
This is a Place where books and literature are revered, read, shared, discussed, challenged, and enjoyed.

I LOVE LITERATURE and want to delve into many great works with other like minded friends and companions.

Here's an intro video to get you more acquainted with who we are here and what we are doing!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


"Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations."
      -Henry David Thoreau (from the chapter "Reading" of Walden Pond)

Hi All,

So this is officially my FIRST blog post for www.thejoyofliterature.blogspot.com! Cool. :D

This post is the DEDICATED post for our running and ALWAYS ONGOING reading wish list for the blog. Do you have a book or great piece of literature that YOU REALLY want to read and discuss and sink your teeth into? Well throw it down in the comments section below!!! This is the place to let it all out. haha!! :D I will of course be watching the titles that pass through as they are submitted and will definitely work to see if we can't start to just tick them off our list one by one and have a good ole' time with them! So definitely speak your mind and heart below...oh and you can also put down books that you REALLY STRUGGLE WITH too b/c they are just as great to read and delve into as well so we can really see where we can go with them and what treasures we may find awaiting us between their ancient papryus leaves....

I think it is only fitting that the first post is an ongoing, cohesive, and communal post that is all about what books we love and we want to read and delve into! Post away!!!!!!! Oh one last thing...please also put the AUTHOR'S NAME as well as the TITLE OF THE BOOK below just so it's easiest to find. Thank you! :D