
This is a Place where books and literature are revered, read, shared, discussed, challenged, and enjoyed.

I LOVE LITERATURE and want to delve into many great works with other like minded friends and companions.

Here's an intro video to get you more acquainted with who we are here and what we are doing!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Walden Pond #1 -- Chapter 1 Economy

"At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again."
      -Henry David Thoreau (the 3rd sentence of Walden Pond)

Okay so here's our first literary post on the blog...and of course it is on Walden Pond (as stated in the intro video no less).  :) It is broken down into 3 videos b/c I couldn't fit it as one video on youtube...so we have 3!!!! It's taken me a while to work all this stuff out with making, uploading, and posting videos...I am hoping that my next round will be smoother on my end!! haha!! :D

So what does this mean exactly? Well we will be reading the entire book Walden Pond together going through it chapter by chapter and discussing it. I will share with you all of my thoughts about the book and what I am seeing and reading in it and then of course you can post and comment your thoughts and feelings as well here at the blog and maybe we can get a little discussion going. :D

I don't know how many posts it will take to get through all of Walden Pond or even all of one chapter! But no matter...we have time. There's no rush to get anywhere but where we are! :D This approach I feel is in perfect fitting with our #2 mission as stated on the home page: "#2. To enjoy and appreciate great literature and the reading (imbibing) of it." Of course having some kind of "goal" in mind to finish this book by a certain time or in a certain way already starts to put a damper on our enjoying and appreciating it. And since we are not in school today and there really is no reason to rush...then let's just take our time and enjoy each passage as it glides by our eyes and minds (indeed even "the mind of man" which Wordsworth speaks of in Tintern Abbey...we'll get to that poem soon enough one of these days I am sure!). :D

I plan to make most of my reading posts as screen captures of the text we are reading from my computer this way we can look at the text and read it together as well as listen to my thoughts about the text and what I am feeling and seeing in it. It's also great for me this way, b/c I am not bogged down by writing long essays for every post (and you having to read them too!). However I sure can ramble on for a while with these texts...I mean...well...that IS what this blog is ALL ABOUT...but none-the-less...I too am aware that I don't want to "drag things on" for you (my viewers) for too long in these blog posts...however I also want to make sure I give "due diligence" to the texts we are reading and discussing and get my thoughts out on the page! So it's a continual balance that I will be striving for. Please LET ME KNOW if you have any ideas or preferences in how I can deliver these posts to you and I'll see what I can do.

In case you are interested, I am getting my online version of Walden Pond from this gentleman's lovely little website where he so thoughtfully placed ALL of Walden Pond's text on his site. A very nice shout out to Ken Kifer and blessings to his dear Soul. It appears that Ken was tragically killed due to a drunk driver hitting him while he was on his bike. I am proud and honored to be able to include Ken and his sharing of a great piece of literature with the launch of my website/blog--a very fitting way to honor Ken and his legacy it seems to me. Blessings to you Ken and may you reside with Thoreau together in good times up at good ole' "Walden Pond" if you will. :) 

So without further adieu...here's the first video posts for Walden Pond (oh and my apologies...the beginning part of the video seems to be a little out of sync with my voice and my mouth...just think of Godzilla and be scared!!!! haha!!--there also seems to be some "gray matter" at the start of the videos too...I have NO CLUE why that is happening...if you do, feel free to drop me a line at the contact me button on the home page--thank you!). Well...Happy Reading!!!And FEEL FREE to comment below with your thoughts, feelings, ideas, impressions, inspirations, awarenesses, etc.!! Cheerio! :D

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