Thanks to a friend posting a random Thoreau quote tonight on Facebook which I happened across and have never once read before in my life, I went out in search of more info regarding this quote (the quote is below if you're curious). And boy did I find more than what I was looking for!!!
Here it is ladies and gentlemen without further adieu....
The Walden Woods Project
There is much here and there in the site and I'll let you uncover what you will lifting up each stone and unveiling (perhaps) one more corner from "the statute of the divinity" at your leisure (of course). But suffice it to say that there is a fully downloadable pdf version (chapter by chapter) of Walden Pond as published in book form from 1906. What a treat indeed! My rather boring night (admittedly) has been replenished by sweet elvish music!!! :D :D
Happy foraging fellow readers!!
Here is the quote that started this fox chase:
- When I hear music I fear no danger, I am invulnerable, I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times and to the latest. [Journal, 13 January 1857]
And here is a quote that struck me deeply (as I too play the flute) while in hot pursuit:
- I sailed on the North River last night with my flute, and my music was a tinkling stream which meandered with the river, and fell from note to note as a brook from rock to rock. I did not hear the strains after they had issued from the flute, but before they were breathed into it, for the original strain precedes the sound by as much as the echo follows after, and the rest is the perquisite of the rocks and trees and beasts. Unpremeditated music is the true gauge which measures the current of our thoughts, the very undertow of our life’s stream. [Journal, 18 August 1841]
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